We would like to start a program entitled The Untold Stories Of The Pearl

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  • #2593

    Itaagi Devin

    The Program will be featuring and unearthing the untouched and hidden potentials of Uganda, The Pearl Of Africa. We are looking forward to featuring the Primate Story in Uganda.

    Some other primates are as well under threat like in Bugoma forest which was under threat by a proposed sugarcane plantation

    Thank you

    My Best Regards

    Canine Safaris Ltd

    Travel and Traverse

  • We would like to start a program entitled The Untold Stories Of The Pearl

  • Anne-Marie Mascaro

    17 February 2021 at 10:02 pm

    Hello! You may want to contact your fellow Monkeyfriendly member Priscilla Haven and see if she could collaborate with you. Warm wishes.

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0 of 0 posts June 2018