Art for the Lwiro Primate Rehabilitation Centre

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    Ashley Habernal

    Hello everyone, I am new here so I thought I would introduce myself and tell you a little bit about my latest project.

    My name is Ashley Habernal and I am a self-taught artist from Canada. I use art to educate about wildlife and shed light on conservation issues and initiatives. My latest project is a drawing of a special girl named Kyungu.

    Kyungu is an orphaned chimpanzee, and is a victim of the bush meat trade. Her parents were killed and she was kept to be sold as an illegal pet. She is just one of many chimps who have been confiscated from poachers and who are being rehabilitated at the Lwiro Primate Rehabilitation Centre in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The people at Lwiro say her favourite food is grapes and that she can eat and eat them (look at that adorable belly!), leading to her nickname of ‘Grape Girl’!

    I am offering 50 limited edition prints of Kyungu through my Etsy shop, and one third of the profits from each print sale are going directly to Lwiro Primates. Prints can be found here:

    Thank you so much for reading!

    – Ashley

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0 of 0 posts June 2018